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Language Teaching. Methodology of Teaching Philological Disciplines , UDC: 378.8.016:81.111 DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2024.53.1.12


  • Tolmacheva Tatiana A. PhD (Education)


The article discusses the alternative assessment of students’ level of L2 prosodic competence in the context of presenting scientific data. Global concepts of education for sustainable development in a transitive super-diverse community call to revise conventional non-ecological and unethical assessment tools in favor of flexible, variable, humane and non-competitional formats. The choice of unconventional ways of assessing L2 prosodic competence is due to the issues with its difficult measurability, subjectivity, vague learning goals. The article provides grounds for the integration of reflexive evaluation methods in developing L2 prosodic competence. To determine the effectiveness of reflexive self- and peer evaluation in teaching science communication, a comparative pedagogical experiment based on empirical research methods including interviews, questionnaires, observation, portfolio analysis was conducted. The experiment was carried out in a technical university with 40 undergraduate and graduate students with B2 level of English. The three stages and the procedure of the experiment are described. Provided are the criteria for reflexive self- and peer assessment of L2 prosodic competence. The article proves that reflexive assessment can be successfully integrated in teaching science communication through inductive and implicit techniques, facilitating active and conscious mastery of L2 prosodic competence. It is shown that self- and peer reflection can be an effective tool of alternative assessment of non-measurable or difficult-to-measure learning outcomes based on the principles of the new evaluation policy.

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Tolmacheva, T. A. (2024). ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT OF A STUDENT’S LEVEL OF L2 PROSODIC COMPETENCE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", , 161. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-913X.2024.53.1.12
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