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Author Guidelines

Submission and Review

The Editorial Board requires authors to be in compliance with MCU Journal of Philology. Theory of Linguistics. Linguistic Education Guide for authors requirements.

Scientists, PhD students, researchers are welcome to submit original scientific papers.

The Editorial Board receives submissions all year round. As soon as the decision to publish a manuscript is made, it is included in one of the following issues of the journal. The order of manuscripts publication is determined by the registration date of the manuscript submission.

Manuscripts containing previously published materials and manuscripts that do not conform the requirements below cannot be published.

Only original scientific papers and reviews with not less that 85% of original text are published in the Journal. All the manuscripts are examined by “Antiplagiat” system https://mgpu.antiplagiat.ru/.

All the cited abstracts and materials should be provided with the link or copyright holder permission. Manuscripts containing plagiarisms are not allowed for publication. The author will be sent a notification about the refusal in case of plagiarism.

Article submission indicates authors consent on the publication rules of processing and publishing their personal data as well as full text of the article on the official website of the journal https://vestnik-filologiya-lingvodidaktika.mgpu.ru and scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU available for free digital download.

The editorial board proceeds to work with the article in case all the accompanying documents were received by e-mail.

Manuscripts submitted are examined by the Chief Editor and sent for double-blind peer review. Subsequently the Editorial Board decides on publishing the manuscript. The editors reserve the right to reject or send the submitted articles for revision based on the reviewers’ comments. The revised versions of the articles are reviewed anew.

When a positive review is received, the editorial board notifies the authors that the article has been accepted for publication, and sends comments from reviewers and editors in order to modify the article. In case of refusal, reasonable arguments are provided.

The following documents must be included in author’s submission.

The manuscript should be provided in electronic form in * doc or * rtf format and sent by e-mail to secretaries of the relevant branch of study:

– literary studies (foreign languages), German studies, Roman studies, theory of linguistics, theory of intercultural communication, language education, linguistic didactics (foreign language): ludmilaborbotko@gmail.com (Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Borbotko);

– literary studies (Russian, Slavic languages), Russian studies, language education: vestnikmgpu@mail.ru (Irina Ivanovna Matveeva).

The file name should contain author’s surname (in Russian or Translit) and the first part of the article title: “Савинич_Мотив сотворения кумира / Savinich_Motiv sotvorenia kumira”.

Post-graduate students attach their scientific supervisor’s review of the manuscript applied. The procedure for reviewing articles is detailed in the corresponding section on the web site.

Information about the author (author’s note) in Russian and English is given in a separate file (including the author’s surname in the file name) and includes: surname, name, patronymic of the author (in full); academic degree, title, position and place of work (department, university, other educational institution, etc.); place of study (department, university) for a post-graduate in Russian and English; address with postal code, office, home, mobile phones (for editor only); an e-mail address that can be published for possible contact with readers.

1. Author’s note sample for Doctors and Professors.

Бирюкова Евгения Викторовна – доктор филологических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой германистики и лингводидактики ИИЯ МГПУ.


Evgeniya V. Biryukova – Doctor of Philology, docent, Head of the Department of German Studies and Linguistic didactics Institute of Foreign Languages Moscow City University.


2. Author’s note sample for PhD scientists and Associate Professors.

Ладохина Ольга Фоминична – кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры русской литературы ИГН МГПУ. 


Olga F. Ladokhina – PhD (Philology), Associate Professor of Russian Literature Department Institute of Humanities, Moscow City University. 


3. Author’s note example for post-graduate students 

Леванова Татьяна Владимировна – аспирант кафедры филологии и массовых коммуникаций филологического факультета МГПУ (филиал, г. Самара).


Tatiana V. Levanova – post-graduate student of Philology and Mass-communication department, Philology faculty, MCU (Samara branch).


Requirements for article formatting

  1. The manuscript should be provided in Microsoft Word (*rtf or *doc, *docx formats).
  2. Margins: top, bottom, left, right – 20 mm.
  3. Pages should be numbered at the lower right corner.
  4. Paragraph Indents – 1.25 cm. Line Spacing – 1.5
  5. Text Alignment – width.
  6. Font: Times New Roman (regular), Size: 12 pt. If you use other (specific) fonts in the manuscript, please, attach the samples when submitting
  7. The text is typed without hyphenation characters.
  8. The maximum volume of manuscript – no more than 10 pages of typewritten text (for PhD researchers), 12–14 pages (for Doctoral and post-doctoral researchers), 6 – 8 pages (post-graduates).

The following sections are required in your electronic manuscript file before the text, each with a new line. Russian authors give items in Russian first, following translation into English (use article sample

  1. Type of article aligned left (scientific article, review article, editorial article, discussion article, personalities, editorial note, book review, article review, performance, etc., short message).
  2. UDC number (aligned left, in bold).
  3. DOI (aligned left, in bold).
  4. Skip a line.
  5. Title of the manuscript (centered, in bold, sentence or title case can be used in titles, full stop is not used in the end of a displayed title). The title of the review can be a bibliographic record for the reviewed resource. If the article is a review with its own title, a bibliographic record of the peer-reviewed resource can be given as subtitle data, for example:

The author’s word and the word of the people

V. Lomakina “Phraseology in the text: functioning and idiostyle: monograph / ed. V. M. Mokienko. M. : RUDN; 2018. 344 p.

  • Information about the authors

If a manuscript has the only author, follow the instructions below. Items a–e are separated from each other by commas:

  1. name, patronymic, surname – in full; 

Лариса Георгиевна Викулова (Russian variant)

Larisa G. Vikulova (English translation)

  • name of the organization (institution), its subdivision (without organizational and legal form of the legal entity: ФГБУН, ФГБОУ ВО, ПАО, АО (in Russian) etc.);
    • address of the organization (institution), its branch (city and country);
    • author’s e-mail without the word “e-mail” (do not put a full stop after the email address);
    • Open Researcher and Contributor ID — ORCID (if the author has one). ORCID is given in the form of an Internet e-mail address. There is no full stop at the end of ORCID.

Larisa G. Vikulova, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia, vikulovalg@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1176-1668

If a manuscript has more than one author, follow the instructions below:

  1. the names of the authors are given in order accepted by them;
  2. Items a–e (use the instructions for the only author above) are given in a new line for each author and are linked by means of superscript numbers as in the example:

Larisa G. Vikulova1, Evgeniya F. Serebrennikova2

1Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia, vikulovalg@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1176-1668

2Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia, ser_evgen@yahoo.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3910-4013

If the authors work in the same organization (institution), this information is given once:

Larisa G. Vikulova1, Lyudmila A. Borbotko2

1,2Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia

1vikulovalg@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1176-1668

2ludmilaborbotko@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3500-9764

Corresponding author, and his e-mail address can be designated by a conventional image of the envelope ✉︎ in electronic editions or by other means implemented by the software for publishing the edition (for example *).

Larisa G. Vikulova1*, Evgeniya F. Serebrennikova2

1Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia, vikulovalg@mail.ru, https: //orcid.org/0000-0003-1176-1668

2Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia, ser_evgen@yahoo.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3910-4013

The e-mail of the only author (corresponding author) may be given for being published. Use the example below:

Larisa G. Vikulova1*, Evgeniya F. Serebrennikova2

1Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1176-1668

2Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3910-4013

Corresponding author: Larisa G. Vikulova, vikulovalg@mail.ru

“Corresponding author:” indication is placed after the information about all authors on a separate line at the beginning of the article. When only the corresponding author’s e-mail is given, the other authors e-mails are given in the Information about the author at the end of the article.

  • Abstract

Contains no more than 250 characters in Russian and English; preceded by “Аннотация. / Abstract.” and includes the formulation of the problem, a listing of the main points of the work, results revealed. 

  • Keywords

Ususally 3–15 words or phrases, separated by commas, preceded by “Ключевые слова: / Keywords:”. Full stop is not put after the last keyword. Font: Times New Roman, Size 12 pt is used. English and Russian translations should correspond.

  • For citation

Information for further citation should be given in the language of its text (other than English), preceded by “For citation:”. Vancouver Style is used.

Для цитирования: Райскина В. А. Средства выражения оценочности в современном научно-историческом дискурсе. Вестник МГПУ. Серия: «Филология. Теория языка. Языковое образование». 2021; (2): 75–83. DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2021.42.2.08.

For citation: Rayskina V. А. Axiological Verbalization Means in Modern Scientific Historical Discourse. Vestnik MGPU. Seriya «Filologiya. Teoriya yazyka. Yazykovoe obrazovanie». 2021; (2): 75–83. DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2021.42.2.08.

  1. Acknowledgments

Acknowledgments to organizations (institutions), supervisors and other persons who have assisted in the preparation of the article; information about grants, funding for the preparation and publication of the article based on the results of the articles apre preceded by “Благодарности:/Acknowledgments:”

  1. Funding

Information about funding for research, preparation and publication of the article may be given separately preceded by Финансирование: / Funding: or Financial Support:

  1. Manuscript Body
    1. Citations

French «herringbone quotes» are used forт both Russian and Foreign Language citations. In case a quote contains words or phrases that should be enclosed in quotation marks, then “smart quotation marks” are used:

Pushkin wrote to Delvig: «I am waiting for the “Gypsies”».

Regular style of Times New Roman is used for quotation.

  • Figures 

No more than two figures (charts, schemes, tables) are accepted, including those presented in separate files (the file name should contain author’s name). Pictures should be saved in * .tif, * .tiff formats (shades of gray, resolution – not less 300 dpi). WinWord or Excel may be used for charts. Microsoft Word should be used for tables (* doc format). All columns should be named. Table scans are not allowed! Charts, schemes, tables should be logically presented in the manuscript and provided with a link in the text. Title is given above the table in Timеs New Roman bold and centered. Number is in Timеs New Roman regular, aligner right.

Таблица 1

Региональные варианты произношения итальянского языка

Название столбцаНазвание столбцаНазвание столбца

Table 1

Regional variants of Italian pronunciation

Column nameColumn nameColumn name

Picture title and number is given below and centered. Timеs New Roman bold is used for the number and regular for the title.

  1. References

Citations in the text are to be embedded in square brackets after the quote with the use of the reference number, volume and page, e.g. [1, с. 5], [2, т. 3, с. 15; 3, с. 25] / [2, Vol. 3, p. 25; 3, p. 25]. When citing a foreign source, the page is indicated in the language of the cited publication or in Latin (for sources in Chinese): с. 5; p. 5; s. 5. Dash should be used for page numbering, there should be no space between the dash and numbers: [3, P. 7–12].

Vancouver style should be used for List of Cited Literature in Russian and References. Numbering in both lists should correspond, the list is compiled in chronological order. Both should be given after the Manuscript body. First – List of Cited Literature in Russian, second – References.

  1. Bibliographic descriptions

The list of literature as well as works of other authors not cited in the manuscript though relevant to the topic may be included into “Bibliographic list”. The bibliographic record for the cited bibliography is compiled in accordance with Vancouver Style. The list may be compiled in alphabetical (or chronological) order, automatic numbering and Vancouver Style should be used. 

Bibliographic descriptions sample:

Russian resourses

Анисимова Е. Е. Паралингвистика и текст (к проблеме креолизованных и гибридных текстов). Вопросы языкознания. 1992; (1): 71–78.

Валгина Н.С. Теория текста: учеб. пособие. М.: Логос; 2003. 280 с.

Виноградовские чтения. Актуальные вопросы филологии и проблемы столичного образования: докл. студен. науч. конф., (Москва, 3 апр. 2006 г.). М.: МГПУ;  2007. Ч. 2. 93 с.

Гиппиус 3.Н. Соч.: в 2 т. / вступ. ст.,подгот. текста и коммент. Т.Г. Юрченко; ИНИОН РАН. М.: Лаком-книга: Габестро; 2001. Т. 2. 200 с.

Десяева Н.Д., Лебедева Т.А., Ассуирова Л.В. Культура речи педагога: учеб. пособие. М.: Академия; 2003. 192 с.

Карданова К.С. Лингво-психологическое исследование реструктурации образа сознания Империя/Empire: дис. … канд. филол. наук: 10.02.19. М., 2006; 206 с.

Педагогический словарь: учеб. пособие / В.И. Загвязинский, А.Ф. Закирова, Т.А. Строкова и др.; под ред. В.И. Загвязинского, А.Ф. Закировой. М.: Академия; 2008. 352 с.

Столярова Е.В. Коммуникативная направленность текстов политической рекламы: автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук: 10.02.01. Архангельск; 2005. 22 с.

Тимашева О.В. [Рец. на кн.:] Литвиненко Т.Е. Интертекст в аспектах лингвистики и общей теории текста. Иркутск: ИГЛУ, 2008. Вестник МГПУ. Сер.: Филология. Теория языка. Языковое образование. 2009; 1 (3): С. 119–123.

Электронный корпус текстов на шведском языке Гетеборгского университета. URL: www.spraakbanken.gu.se (дата обращения: 1.07.2018).

Языковая личность: институциональный и персональный дискурс: сб. науч. тр. / под ред. В.И. Карасика, Г.Г. Слышкина. Волгоград: Перемена; 2000. 228 с.

Языкознание. Большой энциклопедический словарь / гл. ред. В.Н. Ярцева. 2-е изд. М.: Большая Рос. Энциклопедия; 2000. 688 с.

Foreign resources

article in a scientific journal:

Bishop D. Why is it so hard to reach agreement on terminology? The case of developmental language disorder (DLD). International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 2017; (52): 671–80.

— book

Carter B. A. Teacher/Student Responsibility in Foreign Language Learning. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.; 2006. 228 p. 

— internet resourse

Walz A. The Psychology of Star Ratings: 3 Predictions for a World After People. 2015. URL:  https://www.apptentive.com/blog/2015/11/03/the-psychology-of-star-ratings/.

  1. In case manuscript has several parts

When the Editorial Bord makes a decision to divide manuscript into several parts and publish it in several issues of the journal, the information about it should be given. Each part that will be continued should have “Continuation (end) follows.” in its very end. The last part should contain. The first page of each subsequent part of the article should contain a note “Continuation / End in Issue ___” to indicate the number (numbers) of the issue (s) of the edition, the previous parts of the article were published. The note may be given either in a footnote or before the manuscript body.

  1. Contribution of the authors

Information about authors’ contribution, in case the article has several authors, is given at the end of the article after section Information about authors. This information is preceded by ВкладавторовContribution of the authors:. After the surname and initials of the author, his personal contribution to the manuscript is briefly described (idea, collection of material, processing of material, writing of the article, scientific editing of the text, etc.):

Вклад авторов:

Собянина В. А. — научное руководство; концепция исследования; развитие методологии; доработка текста; итоговые выводы.  

Маслакова А. О. — написание исходного текста; итоговые выводы. 

Contribution of the authors: 

Sobyanina V. A. — scientific management; research concept; methodology development; follow-on revision of the text; final conclusions. 

Maslakova A. O. — writing the draft; final conclusions. 

  1. Conflict of interest

Conflict of interest (and its detalisation), if any is declared at the end of the article after the Information about the authors or after Contribution of the authors.

If there is no conflict of interest it is also declared by the authors.

Вклад авторов: все авторы сделали эквивалентный вклад в подготовку публикации. Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.  

Contribution of the authors: the authors contributed equally to this article. The authors declare no conflicts of interests

  1. Additional information about the author (s)

Academic titles; academic degrees; international authors indexes (other than ORCID) are given in the end of the manuscript after References with “Information about the author (authors)” indication preceded (use article sample).

Информация об авторах

Альфия Исламовна Смирнова — доктор филологических наук, профессор.

Information about the authors

Alfiya I. Smirnovа — Doctor of Philology, Professor.

Article Sample


Научная статья

УДК 81-112

DOI (указывается издательским центром) 

Средства выражения оценочности в современном

научно-историческом дискурсе

Райскина Валерия Александровна, Институт иностранных языков Московского городского педагогического университета, RajjskinaVA@mgpu.ru, https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-0610-6458

АннотацияСтатья посвящена описанию особенностей выражения субъективной модальности через вербализацию оценочности в современном франкоязычном научно-историческом дискурсе, обращенном к проблемам медиевистики. Рассматриваются эксплицитные и имплицитные оценки. Демонстрируются лингвоаксиологические особенности исторического подтипа научного дискурса, который сочетает объективный анализ исторических фактов с их субъективной критической интерпретацией автором-ученым.

Ключевые словалингвоаксиология; оценка; научный дискурс; научно-исторический дискурс; аксиологический подход.

Для цитирования: Райскина В. А. Средства выражения оценочности в современном научно-историческом дискурсе. Вестник МГПУ. Серия: «Филология. Теория языка. Языковое образование». 2021; (2): 75–83. DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2021.42.2.08.


Original article

UDC 81-112


Axiological Verbalization Means in Modern Scientific Historical Discourse

Valeria A. Rayskina, Institute of foreign languages Moscow City University, RajjskinaVA@mgpu.ru, https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-0610-6458

Abstract. The paper presents subjective modal evaluative statements that are verbalized through axiological language elements in French modern scientific historical discourse regarding medieval phenomena. Various implicit and explicit values are described. The study reveals some linguoaxiological features of the historical type of scientific discourse. The latter combines objective analysis of history facts and their individual critical interpretation made by an author-scientist.

Keywords: axiological linguistics; value; scientific discourse; scientific historical discourse; axiological approach.

For citation: Rayskina V. А. Axiological Verbalization Means in Modern Scientific Historical Discourse. MCU Journal of Philology. Theory of Linguistics. Linguistic Education. 2021; (2): 75–83. DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2021.42.2.08.

Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. 

Список источников

  1. Axellson M.Aprilhäxan. Stockholm: Prisma; 2004. 424 p.
  2. Enquist P. O. Livläkarens besök. Stockholm: Norstedts; 1999. 388 p.
  3. Larsson S. Män som hatar kvinnor. Stockholm: Norstedt; 2006. 566 p.
  4. Бажанов А. Е. О роли контекста в изучении немецкой фразеологии. Вестник МГПУ. Сер.: Филология. Теория языка. Языковое образование. 2011; 2 (8): 91–96.
  5. Жильцова Е. Л. Сложноподчиненное предложение в современном шведском языке: учеб. пособие. М.: Изд-во Московск. ун-та; 2006. 104 с.
  6. Рахманкулова И.-Э. С. Структурно-функциональный подход к исследованию немецких фразеологизмов. Вестник МГПУ. Сер.: Филология. Теория языка. Языковое образование. 2009; 1 (3): 28–35.
  7. Haspelmat M.Indefinite pronouns. NY: Oxford University Press; 2004. 364 p. 
  8. Электронный корпус текстов на шведском языке Гетеборгского университета. URL: www.spraakbanken.gu.se.
  9. Nordstedts svenska ordbok. Göteborg: Norstedts Ordbok; 2004. 2718 p. 
  10. Bishop D. Why is it so hard to reach agreement on terminology? The case of developmental language disorder (DLD). International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 2017; (52): 671–80.
  11. Carter B. A. Teacher/Student Responsibility in Foreign Language Learning. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.; 2006. 228 p.
  12. Walz A. The Psychology of Star Ratings: 3 Predictions for a World After People. 2015. URL:  https://www.apptentive.com/blog/2015/11/03/the-psychology-of-star-ratings/.


  1. Axellson M. Aprilhäxan. Stockholm: Prisma; 2004. 424 p.
  2. Enquist P.O. Livläkarens besök. Stockholm: Norstedts; 1999. 388 p.
  3. Larsson S. Män som hatar kvinnor. Stockholm: Norstedt; 2006. 566 p.
  4. Bazhanov A.E. O roli konteksta v izuchenii nemeczkoj frazeologiiVestnik MGPU. Ser.: Filologiya. Teoriya yazy’ka. Yazy’kovoe obrazovanie. 2011; (2): 91–96. (In Russ.).
  5. Zhil’cova E.L.Slozhnopodchinennoe predlozhenie v sovremennom shvedskom yazy’ke: ucheb. posobie. M.: Izd-vo Moskovsk. un-ta; 2006. 104 p. (In Russ.).
  6. Raxmankulova I.-E’.S. Strukturno-funkcionalny’j podxod k issledovaniyu nemeczkix frazeologizmov. Vestnik MGPU. Ser.:Filologiya. Teoriya yazy’ka. Yazy’kovoe obrazovanie. 2009;(1): 28–35. (In Russ.).
  7. Haspelmath M. Indefinite pronouns. NY: OxfordUniversityPressi; 2004. 364 p.
  8. E’lektronny’j korpus tekstov na shvedskom yazy’ke Geteborgskogo universitetaURL:www.spraakbanken.gu.se.
  9. Nordstedts svenska ordbok.Göteborg: Norstedts Ordbok; 2004. 1473 p. 
  10. Bishop D. Why is it so hard to reach agreement on terminology? The case of developmental language disorder (DLD). International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 2017; (52): 671–80.
  11. Carter B. A. Teacher/Student Responsibility in Foreign Language Learning. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.; 2006. 228 p.
  12. Walz A. The Psychology of Star Ratings: 3 Predictions for a World After People. 2015. URL:  https://www.apptentive.com/blog/2015/11/03/the-psychology-of-star-ratings/.

Информация об авторе

Валерия Александровна Райскина – кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры романской филологии Института иностранных языков МГПУ.

Information about the author

Valeria A. Rayskina – PhD (Philology), associate professor of Roman Philology Department Institute of foreign languages MCU.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not meet the above-mentioned requirements. All the editing recommended by reviewers must be eliminated within the prescribed time limit.