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Literary Science , UDC: 821.161.1-31:801.81 DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2024.54.2.03


  • Matveeva Irina Ivanovna PhD (Philology), docent


The article considers folklore and mythopoetic motifs of the novel by A. Varlamov «My Soul Pavel». Varlamov’s «My Soul Paul». Employing a complex analysis of the text, namely relying on mythopoetic and intertextual methods the author traces the genetic links of characters with folklore and mythopoetic sources. There is a projection of the protagonist of the novel onto a low folklore character and a Bylinny hero which is considered to interpret his name and surname as well as to reveal personological and ontological levels in the image structure. The specific focus is on the topos of the novel, its connection with fairy-tale motifs and formulas identified by V. Y. Propp and E. M. Meletinsky, as well as with the legends about the promised land. There are motifs of magic helpers, enchantment, transformation of a low positioned hero into a high positioned one, along with references to mythopoetic images of forests, rivers, mermaids traced.

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Matveeva, I. I. (2024). FOLKLORE CODE IN THE NOVEL BY A. VARLAMOV «MY SOUL PAVEL» Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2 (54), 39. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-913X.2024.54.2.03
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