- Shkolnikova Olga Yu. Doctor of Philology, Full professor
Based on the material of Old French and Old Provençal literary texts of the 11th–13th centuries, the article examines the functioning of adverbs, adjectives, nouns,
particles and frozen expressions that perform the function of strengthening the attribute of the subject, or verifying the presence or absence of the attribute of the subject. The intensification of the feature in old texts increases the level of expressiveness and performs the communicative-pragmatic task of emotionally influencing and convincing the recipient of the truth of the information.
How to link insert
Shkolnikova, O. Y. (2021). SEMANTIC INTENSIFIERS OF THE SUBJECT SIGN IN OLD FRENCH AND OLD PROVENCAL LANGUAGES (CAR, PAR, BEN, JA, NEMJAS AND OTHERS): FEATURES OF FUNCTIONING Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №2 (46), 71.
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