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Literary Science , UDC: 821.161.1-92.09«18» DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2024.54.2.01


  • Plotnikova Anastasia G. PhD (Philology)


This article presents the experience of searching and attributing two previously unknown feuilletons by M. Gorky, published in the newspaper «Nizhegorodskij listok» on August 24, 1898. The relevance of the study is due to the need to prepare the third series of the writer’s Complete Collection of works, namely, «Literary-critical and journalistic articles», which adds to searching and attributing texts becoming systematic. The attribution of artistic and journalistic texts by Russian writers, anonymous or signed by little-known pseudonyms, represents a certain textual problem. Authorship to be established, the biographical context of the writer’s life is restored using an extensive set of published and archival memoirs and epistolary documents, as well as a comprehensive problem-thematic and semantic-stylistic analysis of the texts is to be carried out. The research conducted allows to assert that the first fragment of the «Little feuilleton», published on August 24, 1898, was written by the editor of the «Nizhegorodskij listok» E. M. Eschin. The second and third fragments, describing fair lottery and cinema, are thematically, compositionally and stylistically significantly different from the first part, belonging to one author. With a high degree of confidence, we can attribute them to Gorky, which is confirmed by a comprehensive analysis of the textual problematic and thematic dominants and its stylistic features. The found and attributed feuilleton is included in the general context of the writer’s work; there are connections traced with the series of articles «Quick Notes», written during the All-Russian Trade and Industrial Exhibition of 1896, and other journalistic and artistic works of Gorky’s from 1896–1898.

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Plotnikova, A. G. (2024). ATTRIBUTION OF MAKSIM GORKY’S JOURNALISTIC TEXTS OF 1896–1898 Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2 (54), 7. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-913X.2024.54.2.01
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