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Russian Studies. Germanic Studies. Romance Studies , UDC: 811.112.2’367 DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2024.53.1.06


  • Belyaeva Maria V. PhD (Philology), Professor


The article examines the features of spoken syntax using the example of the German language from the perspective of cognitive science and a communicative approach, since only in such a combination does the study of speech structures allow us to see both the algorithm for constructing statements, and the correlation of verbal and non-verbal codes of speech interaction, as well as the difference between the spoken syntax and the syntax of written speech.

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Belyaeva, M. V. (2024). COLLOQUIAL SYNTAX AS REVIEWED THROUGH COMMUNICATIVE AND COGNITIVE PERSPECTIVE (USING GERMAN AS AN EXAMPLE) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", , 82. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-913X.2024.53.1.06
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