Home Releases 2023, №4 (52)


Literary Science , UDC: 821.161.1 DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2023.52.4.02


  • Vasilyev Sergey Anatolyevich Doctor oh Philology, Full Professor
  • Makarova Elena S.


The Vyoshenskoye Uprising in its eventful and substantive aspects is the center of the epic novel ««And Quiet Flows the Don» by M. A. Sholokhov. The chapters dedicated to it are included in the 6th and the beginning of the 7th parts of the literary work. They are relatively autonomous and have their own rich inner form, important facets of which are created due to water images and numerous associative perspectives. Following A. A. Potebney, Yu. I. Mineralov, and other scientists who continue the Russian academic tradition, the authors of the article understands the inner form as images of images and ideas of ideas, representations that connect previously unrelated phenomena in semantic terms. The title, epigraphs, landscapes, portraits, artistic details systematically include comparisons containing water elements and their perception by the Cossacks. The discontent with the war spreads among the Cossacks at first in «small streams», and later — in a continuous stream of water, demolishing everything in its path. This image is connected by a number of associative threads with subsequent pictures of the Upper Don Uprising brewing and gaining momentum. The plot of this storyline correlates with the image of a swirl (whirlpool) and the oncoming, colliding river currents, while at the level of characters it is realized through the words of Miron Grigoryevich Korshunov, calling the Cossacks to arms. The images of ice breaking, high water, continuous water flow and others give rise to ideas common to the natural world and the psychological and social life of a person, largely form the artistic content of the chapters on the Vyoshenskoye Uprising.

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Vasilyev, S. A. & Makarova, E. S. (2023). THE ROLE OF IMAGES OF THE WATER ELEMENT IN THE CHAPTERS ABOUT THE VESHENSKOYE UPRISING IN M. A. SHOLOKHOV’S NOVEL «AND QUIET FLOWS THE DON» Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №4 (52), 20. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-913X.2023.52.4.02
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