Home Releases 2023, №2 (50)


Language Teaching. Methodology of Teaching Philological Disciplines , UDC: 378.091.64:811.531 DOI: 378.091.64:811.531


  • Voronina Lyudmila A. PhD (Pedagogy/Education)


The article discloses the structure and content of the university textbook on phonetics (segment level) on the example of the Korean language. The relevance of the research is due to the contradiction between the steadily growing popularity of the Korean language and the lack of scientific and methodological findings for its teaching at the university, including the phonetics aspect. The article aims at developing the concept of a modern textbook on foreign language phonetics (segment level) and presenting parts of the textbook in relation to teaching Korean at linguistic faculties of a modern university. The study went through several stages: 1) analyzing tudents’ phonetic errors and their systematization (1997–2018); 2) designing the textbook concept (2018); 3) trial training and making adjustments to the textbook layout (2019–2022); 4) preparing the layout for printing (2022). The article proves that when developing a textbook on phonetics (segment level) the following should be taken into account: 1) the linguistic level of empirical material (segmental or super-segmental); 2) the type of interference (interlanguage and intra-lingual), which implies different learning technologies; 3) extralinguistic knowledge, which allows students to apply phonological competence in the studied language to real life. The technology of teaching phonetics to 1st year students developed by the author represents a specific scenario of teaching activity at the 1st stage of mastering the Korean language by students. Such a scenario implemented adds to ensuring the solid formation of auditory-pronouncing skills, phonetic skills of analyzing linguistic (interlanguage and intra-linguistic correspondences/differences) and extralinguistic features (factors) of generating sounding speech in Korean and its understanding when listening.

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Voronina, L. A. (2023). STRUCTURAL AND CONTENT CONCEPT OF A PHONETICS TEXTBOOK (SEGMENTAL LEVEL OF THE KOREAN LANGUAGE) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №2 (50), 155. https://doi.org/378.091.64:811.531
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