Home Releases 2018, №2 (30)

Intertextual References in English-Language Computer Games

Young Scientists’ Platform , UDC: 811.111


  • Kharlashkin Mikhail Nikolaevich Assistant professor of English Philology department, Institute of Foreign Languages, MCU. E-mail: therover@rambler.ru

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Kharlashkin, M. N. (2018). Intertextual References in English-Language Computer Games Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2018, №2 (30),
1. Deus Ex [E’lektronny’j resurs]. E’lektron. tekstovy’e, graf., zv. dan. i prikladnaya
2. progr. 1 e’lektron. opt. disk (DVD-ROM): zv., czv.; ruk. pol’zovatelya (6 l.). Sistem.trebovaniya: operacionnaya sistema Microsoft Windows 2000/XP; Processor Pentium
3. III 500 MGcz ili analogichny’j Athlon; 256 Mb operativnoj pamyati; 1 Gb svobodnogo
4. prostranstva na zhestkom diske; 3D-videoadapter s pamyat’yu 64 Mb, sovmestimy’j
5. s DirectX 9,0 c (GeForce 2/Radeon 8500); Zvukovoe ustrojstvo, sovmestimoe s DirectX 9.0c;
6. DirectX 9.0c (est’ na diske s igroj); Ustrojstvo dlya chteniya DVD-diskov. Disk i soprovod.
7. material pomeshheny’ v jewel-box.
8. Declaration of Independence: A Transcription | National Archives [E’lektronny’j
9. resurs] / The following text is a transcription of the Stone Engraving of the parchment
10. Declaration of Independence (the document on display in the Rotunda at the National
11. Archives Museum.) The spelling and punctuation reflects the original. E’lektron. dan.
12. URL: https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript (data obrashheniya:
13. 02.04.2018).
14. U.S. Senate: Constitution of the United States [E’lektronny’j resurs] / Adapted
15. from S.PUB.103-21 (1994), prepared by the Office of the Secretary of the Senate
16. with the assistance of Johnny H. Killian of the Library of Congress, providing the original text
17. of each clause of the Constitution with an accompanying explanation of its meaning and how that
18. meaning has changed over time. E’lektron. dan. The information on this Web site is compiled
19. under the authority and direction of the Secretary of the Senate, Washington, DC 20510. URL:
20. https://www.senate.gov/civics/constitution_item/constitution.htm (data obrashheniya: 02.04.2018).
21. Literatura
22. Kuleshova A.V. Citaciya kak klyuchevoj e’lement «chuzhogo slova» vo franczuzskoj
23. presse // Vestnik MGPU. Ser. «Filologiya. Teoriya yazy’ka. Yazy’kovoe obrazovanie». 2014.
24. № 4 (16). S. 62–68.
25. Moskvin V.P. Intertekstual’nost’. Ponyatijny’j apparat. Figury’, zhanry’, stili.
26. Izd. stereotip. M.: Librokom, 2011. 168 s.
27. Fateeva N.A. Intertekst v mire tekstov. Kontrapunkt intertekstual’nosti. 4-e izd.
28. M.: Librokom, 2012. 280 s.
29. Fesenko E’.Ya. Teoriya literatury’: ucheb. posobie. 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. M.: Editorial
30. URSS, 2005. 336 s.
31. Chernyavskaya V.E. Lingvistika teksta. Lingvistika diskursa. M.: Lenand, 2014.
32. 200 s.
33. Chupry’na O.G. Precedentny’e yavleniya v britanskoj literature o podrostkax
34. (lingvokul’turologicheskij podxod) // Vestnik MGPU. Ser. «Filologiya. Teoriya yazy’ka.
35. Yazy’kovoe obrazovanie». 2014. № 3 (15). S. 71–79.
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