Home Releases 2016, №2 (22)

Closer to the Classics! (A Discussion of «An Approximate Basic Literature Syllabus for Grades 10-11» at the Russian literature department of the Institute of Humanities)

Language Teaching. Methodology of Teaching Philological Disciplines , UDC: 372.882


  • Romanova Galina Vladimirovna Doctor of Philology, docent, professor of Russian Literature department, Institute of Humanities, MCU. E-mail: galinroma@mail.ru

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Romanova, G. V. (2016). Closer to the Classics! (A Discussion of «An Approximate Basic Literature Syllabus for Grades 10-11» at the Russian literature department of the Institute of Humanities) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №2 (22),
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