- Devyatova Nadezda M. D. Sc. (Philology), docent
The present paper evaluates the collective monograph of a collective monograph of linguist teachers of the Moscow State University of Education devoted to the outstanding
linguist, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor V. V. Ledeneva. The scientific direction of V. V. Ledeneva, her contribution to philological science is characterized. The paper
gives an overview of the materials published in the monograph by V. V. Ledeneva’s colleagues and representing the scientific direction of the P. A. Lecant Chair of Modern
Russian Language.
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Devyatova, N. M. (2024). DEVYATOVA N. M. REVIEW OF THE COLLECTIVE MONOGRAPH «NOMINATION AND PREDICATION IN THE MODERN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE» (T. E. SHAPOVALOVA (ED.), N. A. GERASIMENKO. M.: GUP, 2024. 204 p.) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 4 (56), 101.