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Linguistic Theory. Cross-cultural Communication Theory , UDC: 811.581 DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2023.49.1.09


  • Bankova Liudmila L. PhD (Philology), docent


The study proves relevant due to three things: firstly, the fact that Wenyan uses identical models to denominate approximate, fractional and multiple numbers; secondly, the fact that the aforesaid models are different from the contemporary ones; thirdly, the fact that there is a gap in studying the denomination of approximate numbers throughout all stages of Chinese language historical development. The article considers two kinds of approximate numerals that used to verbalize approximate numbers in wenyan. Numerals of the first kind represent a set of cardinal numerals (概数), whereas the second group numerals include a numeral combined with an approximating marker (约数). The study tracks down the development pathway and how approximate numbers were denominated with the help of the abovementioned kinds of numerals throughout Ancient Chinese, Middle Chinese and Modern Chinese (as Wang Li’s claims). It has been determined that among approximation markers there are some that may be observed at all stages of Chinese language historical development, others are typical of a certain period only. It has also been figured out that the position of the approximation marker regarding the numeral is semantically determined: when emphasizing the insufficient number stated by the numeral the marker is placed in the anteposition, if it points at an excess it is placed in the postposition. Moreover, approximation markers may form logical pairs. As to denominating the approximate nature by juxtaposing the numerals, Ancient Chinese featured numerals placed both in the ascending and descending manner. Middle Chinese in turn revealed the typical pattern with the descending one, however in Modern Chinese this tendency changed for the ascending one.

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Bankova, L. L. (2023). DENOMINATING APPROXIMATE NUMBERS IN CLASSICAL CHINESE (WENYAN) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №1 (49), 111. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-913X.2023.49.1.09
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