Home Releases 2018, №3 (31)

Somatic Code of Culture in the «Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language» of V.I. Dahl

Young Scientists’ Platform , UDC: 821.161.1.09"1917/1991"; 81.374.3


  • Zgirovskaya Ol’ga Gennad’yevna Postgraduate student at the department of Russian Language and Stylistics, Institute of Publishing and Journalism, Moscow Polytechnic University. E-mail: olga.slovo42@yandex.ru

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Zgirovskaya, O. G. (2018). Somatic Code of Culture in the «Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language» of V.I. Dahl Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2018, №3 (31),
1. Istochniki
2. Dal' V.I. Tolkovy'j slovar' zhivogo velikorusskogo yazy'ka: v 4 t. M.: Rus. yaz.,
3. 1978-1980.
4. Literatura
5. GudkovD.B., KovshovaM.L. Telesny'j kod russkoj kul'tury': materialy' k slovaryu. M.: Gnozis, 2007. 288 s.
6. Krasny'x V.V. Kody' i e'talony' kul'tury' (priglashenie k razgovoru) // Yazy'k, soznanie, kommunikaciya: sb. st. Vy'p. 19. B. m. i., 2001. S. 5-19.
7. Krejdlin G.E., XesedL.A. Volosy' kak ob'ekt semioticheskoj konceptualizacii tela // Litera. 2016. № 3. S. 75-92.
8. Spravochny'e i informacionny'e izdaniya
9. Kry'sinL.P. Sovremenny'j slovar' inostranny'x slov. M.: AST-Press, 2012. 416 s.
10. Bol'shoj tolkovy'j slovar' russkogo yazy'ka / gl. red. S.A. Kuzneczov. SPb.: Norint, 1998. 1534 s.
11. Bol'shoj frazeologicheskij slovar' russkogo yazy'ka / otv. red. V.N. Teliya.
12. M.: AST-Press kniga, 2006. 784 s.
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