- Gavrilenko Nataliya N. D. Sc. (Pedagogy),, Professor
The process of digitalization of education is today one of the important trends associated with the development of professional translation and the training of future
translators. Much attention is paid to the development of cognitive skills of this specialist. The purpose of our study was to identify the degree of influence of digitalization
of education on a future translator from the standpoint of cognitive risks. For this purpose, studies in translation studies, psychology, cognitive science, sociology were analyzed; based on the methods of analysis, comparison, generalization, as well as conversations with translation teachers and students of translation departments and faculties, the main cognitive problems arising in the system of training professional translators in the process of digitalization were systematized. The results showed that in the context of digitalization, researchers and teachers of translation see the greatest cognitive risks as: information oversaturation of the cognitive sphere, devaluation of students’ memory capabilities, a decrease in the level of their critical thinking, a crisis transformation of consciousness. Recommendations are proposed for overcoming these risks. One of the possible ways of further development of translation didactics is a synergetic approach, which allows for the integration of natural science and humanitarian cultures. Measures are proposed to mitigate cognitive risks: the need for pedagogical and psychological research, the development of a model of the educational process that will mitigate the negative features of the digitalization of training future translators. Methodological principles are proposed for organizing the process of training translators: the ecocognitive principle and the principle of organizing the digital space. Special requirements are imposed on the translation teacher, who faces a difficult task: to introduce students to digital technologies that are used by translators and interpreters in their professional activities, teach them to work with them, and also introduce into the educational process those technologies that are aimed at facilitating this process, at methodological support, at mastering important skills, etc. A series of courses is proposed to develop new work functions in translation teachers, ensuring their readiness to work in the conditions of the digital educational process: «Digital environment in the activities of a translator», «Digital didactics of translation activities», «Psychology of digital education», «Ethics and safety of digital education of translators».
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Gavrilenko, N. N. (2024). COGNITIVE RISKS OF TRANSLATOR TRAINING’S DIGITALIZATION Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 4 (56), 176.
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