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Literary Science , UDC: 821.161.1-3.09«19»


  • Gromov Alexey V.
  • Smirnova Alfia Islamovna D. Sc. (Philology), professor


The authors rely on principles of a systematic approach in their attempt to examine Nabokov’s meta-plot «immanent vs transcendent». The latter was developed by the Russian writer during his Berlin creative period. Vladimir Nabokov, following the Russian existentialists in his aesthetic and philosophical search focused on the process of transcendence (creative act). The meta-plot stemmed from the original type of the main character — a dreamer-traveler who prefers fractal imaginary patterns in the unreal world to everyday life. Such a hero, due to psychological features and life circumstances, becomes an adept of escapism, as a result, he loses his attachment to life, his soul strives to leave immanence (ordinariness). Nevertheless, the fact of death in the material world neither causes tragedy nor brings salvation, since each of the characters is in an infinite artistic hyperreality. Nabokov emphasizes the latter’s properties which imply that physical death means reaching another level of artistic reality.

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Gromov, A. V. & Smirnova, A. I. (2024). VLADIMIR NABOKOV’S META-PLOT «IMMANENCE VS TRANSCENDENCE» (AS REVEALED IN EARLY PROSE) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 3 (55),
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