- Karasik Vladimir Ilyich Doctor of Philology, Full Professor
The article offers a description of museum as a linguistic and cultural phenomenon, including its cognitive, semiotic and actional features. The first consist in explaining
the concept of «museum», which has conceptual, figurative and value-based characteristics, the second highlight its semantic, pragmatic and syntactic features, while the pragmatic features correlate with the value-based conceptual features and can be presented as its emblematic, allegorical and symbolic descriptions, the third consist in the formulation of instructions for behavior in the museum. Methods of identifying dictionary definitions, contextual and interpretive analysis are used. A museum as a city location in conceptual terms is a cultural center for the exhibition of objects of art, history and science, its figurative and perceptual characteristics are explained as objectives, varieties and features of its functioning, its evaluative characteristics emphasize the importance of this institution for civilization, although in some aphorisms this idea is presented as questionable and specific to different types of people. In poetic texts, the museum is symbolically associated with eternity, because it provides a connection between times. Vandalism against museums and libraries is sharply condemned as a crime against culture, and the defenselessness of museums is in focus. The action characteristics of museums are exemplified through the behavior rules for visitors; these rules are variable and include both strict prohibitions and recommendations with their explanations. Rules of conduct in museums have some ethnocultural specificity, due to their focus on certain visitors.
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Karasik, V. I. (2024). COGNITIVE, SEMIOTIC AND ACTIONAL FEATURES OF MUSEUM AS A LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL PHENOMENON Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2 (54), 120.
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