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Language Teaching. Methodology of Teaching Philological Disciplines , UDC: 378.016:811.133.1 DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2024.53.1.11


  • Cherkashina Elena I. PhD (Philology), docent


The article regards the issue of teaching language for specific purposes (LSP) in a technical university. The problem under study remains relevant regardless of the State Education Standard requirements for training future engineers, architects, IT experts. The top priority task which is a proper command of LSP is still unresolved. LSP teachers tend to focus on terminology, relevant information processing, presentation and performing skills, scientific manuscript preparation. Nevertheless, the skills acquired appear less beneficial for the field work which finds practical language skills essential. Thus, LSP proficiency becomes challenging for a technical university graduate. In this regard, the FL teaching model described in the article comes as an innovative approach to tackling the issue with architecture students. The model design implied questionnaires that revealed students’ language personality types later to address their weaknesses in studying foreign languages as well as such methods as modeling and carrying out experiments. FL teaching model relies on findings in functional brain asymmetry research, neuropsychology and differential psychophysiology. The model presented accounts for engineering students’ later brain organization profile which coincides with their professional mindset and the way of thinking as well as contributes to their professional communication skills.

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Cherkashina, E. I. (2024). TEACHING LSP TO ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", , 148. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-913X.2024.53.1.11
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