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Russian Studies. Germanic Studies. Romance Studies , UDC: 81ʼ42:366.636 DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2023.52.4.06


  • Boeva-Omelechko Natalya B. Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor
  • Lenets Anna V. Doctor of Philology, Professor


The article provides the linguo-stylistic analysis of the linguistic means that represent depression in English-language media texts and corresponding comments. The article aims at analyzing metaphorical models and linguo-stylistic means that verbalize them, used to represent depression in English-language media texts and comments, specifying the ways depression is understood by representatives of the British and American cultures. Depression is characterized by a decline in behavioral and psychological activity and a general negative emotional background. Depression is given cultural emphasis in modern English-language media texts. The material of the study is English-language media texts and corresponding comments from British and American tabloids (Daily Mail, The Sun, US Weekly, The Washington Post). In total, there were 396 examples analyzed. The analysis implied linguoculturological and comparative methods, the method of linguo-stylistic analysis and the method of metaphorical modeling. There are three groups of metaphorical models exemplified: 1) representing depression as a serious illness and conveying the experiences of people suffering from it; 2) forming an attitude towards depression as an enemy that can and must be defeated; 3) defining depression as an attribute of luxurious and wealthy lifestyle. Models constitute conceptual and metaphorical framework for the variety of stylistic devices which convey ethnically specific images of depression in Britain and the US. The study revealed the following: 1) ambiguity of treating depression in Anglo-Saxon culture; 2) considerable attention is paid to the 1st metaphorical model of depression.

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Boeva-Omelechko, N. B. & Lenets, A. V. (2023). LINGUISTIC AND STYLISTIC REPRESENTATION OF THE PHENOMENON OF «DEPRESSION» IN ENGLISH-LANGUAGE MEDIA TEXTS AND COMMENTS TO THEM Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №4 (52), 73. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-913X.2023.52.4.06
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