Home Releases 2023, №3 (51)


Young Scientists’ Platform , UDC: [811.161.1+811.581]’373.612.2 DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2023.51.3.17


  • Yu Wenxin


This article analyzes the concept of high self-esteem through the bird imagery in both the Russian and Chinese languages. This work proves significant, as it delves into the profound interconnection between self-esteem and the comprehension of human nature, all while elucidating its influential role in the intricate tapestry of social interactions. Metaphor emerges as a prominent vehicle, capitalizing on the juxtaposition of objects to vividly depict a wide array of emotions and sentiments, including the intricate concept of self-esteem. Study material included lexemes, phraseological units, stable comparisons proverbs extracted from explanatory, phraseological and stable comparisons dictionaries of the Russian and Chinese languages. The study methods used included descriptive analytical method, definitional analysis, component analysis, comparative analysis. The research revealed the linkage between bird imagery and the high self-esteem within the linguistic landscapes of both Russian and Chinese. However, it is noteworthy that within societal perceptions, this association tends to be predominantly construed in a negative light rather than a positive one. Substantiated by the linguistic data and the synthesis of existing research, reveal that the rooster, peacock, peafowl and swan are used in both languages to express high self-esteem. Furthermore, in Russian turkey and goose are added to this list. Notably, a noteworthy discrepancy arises when contemplating the image of the crane: its embodiment in the Chinese language bears a distinctly positive connotation, associated with a positively perceived high self-esteem, while in Russian, it gravitates toward a negative assessment.

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Yu, W. . (2023). BIRD IMAGES AS ONE OF THE MEANS OF DENOTING HIGH SELF-ESTEEM IN THE RUSSIAN AND CHINESE LANGUAGES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №3 (51), 189. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-913X.2023.51.3.17
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