Home Releases 2023, №3 (51)


Linguistic Theory. Cross-cultural Communication Theory , UDC: 811.134.2’06 DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2023.51.3.11


  • Gornostaeva Yulia A. PhD (Philology)


The article aims at identifying linguistic markers of cultural trauma associated with the Spanish conquest in the social suffering narratives of the Mexicans. The research is carried out within the framework of the cultural trauma theory, developed by the American sociological school. The relevance of the problem is due to: 1) the extreme importance of the Spanish conquest as a traumatic event; 2) the very scientific concept of cultural trauma, which makes it possible to discover new significant and causal relationships between previously unrelated events, structures, perceptions and actions. The purpose of the study is to describe the process of cultural traumatization associated with the Spanish conquest and verbalized in the speech of the Mexican linguistic culture representatives, and to determine the linguistic markers of cultural trauma that make it possible to detect this traumatic event in speech. The main research method is narrative analysis, implemented by considering four representations of a traumatic event in speech: 1) the nature of pain; 2) the nature of the victim; 3) the connection of the victim of trauma with the audience; 4) the assignment of responsibility. The analysis while considering each of the representations of cultural trauma enabled to identify the following groups of linguistic markers: 1) the lexical-thematic group «Crime», the lexical-thematic group «Discrimination of the local population», the lexical-thematic group of negative evaluative adjectives and nouns; 2) ethnonyms naming the indigenous peoples, toponyms naming the conquered territories; proper names of slain Mayan and Aztec leaders; 3) substitute names for the holiday «Día de Hispanidad» and the traumatic event «conquista»; 4) lexical and grammatical units that verbalize calls for an apology; the name of the main Spanish conqueror — Hernan Cortes.

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Gornostaeva, Y. A. (2023). LINGUISTIC MARKERS OF CULTURAL TRAUMA IN SOCIAL SUFFERING NARRATIVES (BASED ON MEXICAN NARRATIVES ABOUT THE SPANISH CONQUEST) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №3 (51), 130. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-913X.2023.51.3.11
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