- Amelina Irina Olegovna PhD (Pedagogics)
Developed listening and speaking skills appear principal for efficient oral speech as well as for better practical knowledge of Russian as a foreign language. Therefore, the issues of optimizing teaching methods applied to these types of activities are always in the focus of the pedagogical community’s attention. Mastering oral speech competence, improving listening and speaking skills remains a significant problem of linguodidactics, which determines the relevance of this study, the purpose of which is to describe the system of teaching listening comprehension and speaking skill being a separate unit in the general course of Russian as a foreign language at the stage of pre-university education and to analyze the results of testing the proposed system as part of the teaching experiment that involved foreign language speakers. The following methods were used in the study: scientific-theoretical method; observational method; formal modeling method; experimental method; statistical method. The material of the study was the system of teaching listening comprehension and speaking skills, integrated into the educational process at the stage of pre-university training of foreign students at the South-West State University. The article describes the system of tasks that constitute the block «Listening. Speaking» (First certification
level), including the ones for classroom/contact work and self-study (homework). The system proved valid and relevant in the process of experiential teaching. The materials presented in the article allow us to state that the developed teaching system within the framework of the block «Listening. Speaking» (First certification level) productively performs its function, contributing to the effective development of skills in case the types of activities under consideration are employed, motivating foreign students to improve their communication skills.
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Amelina, I. O. (2022). SYSTEM OF TEACHING LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILLS WITHIN THE COURSE OF RUSSIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (PRE-UNIVERSITY STAGE) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2022, №4 (48), 155.
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