Home Releases 2021, №3 (43)

The Discursive Specificity of the Emotional Legitimation of the Monarchy in the Spanish Media

Linguistic Theory. Cross-cultural Communication Theory , UDC: 81.23 DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2021.43.3.08


  • Kolmogorova Anastasiya Vladimirovna Professor, Doctor of Philology
  • Gornostaeva Yulia A. PhD (Philology), PhD (Philology)


The article studies the role of emotions in the process of legitimizing the Spanish monarchy represented by the kings Juan Carlos I and Felipe VI in the political discourse of the Spanish media. The aim is to describe the process of "emotional" legitimation of the Spanish monarchy in the political mass media discourse. Authors described a model of emotional legitimation, which includes such elements as the subject of legitimation (media), the target (mass consciousness), the object (monarchy), means (emotions), methods (discursive strategy of appeal to the authority of an expert), the channel (voices of witnesses), the source (emotiogenic frames), the legitimizing effect (emotional response to the reader).

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Kolmogorova, A. V. & Gornostaeva, Y. A. (2021). The Discursive Specificity of the Emotional Legitimation of the Monarchy in the Spanish Media Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №3 (43), 79-94. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-913X.2021.43.3.08
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