Home Releases 2016, №2 (22)

The Poetic Image of the Plum Fragrance in Japanese Anthology «Kokinwakashyu»

Young Scientists’ Platform , UDC: 821.09"04/16"


  • Astapova Elizaveta Olegovna Senior assistant professor of Japanese language department, Institute of Foreign Languages, MCU; postgraduate of Japanese Philology department, IAAS, Lomonosov MSU. E-mail: avdeeva_07@inbox.ru

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Astapova, E. O. (2016). The Poetic Image of the Plum Fragrance in Japanese Anthology «Kokinwakashyu» Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №2 (22),
1. Istochniki
2. Poe'ticheskaya antologiya «Kokinsyu» / per. so staroyap. i komment. I.A. Bo-roninoj. M.: IMLI RAN, 2005. 399 s.
3. Literatura
4. Arioka Toshiyuki. Mono to ningen-no bunka shi. Ume I. Tokio: Seixo daigaku,
5. 357 s.
6. Murasaki Sikibu. Povest' o Ge'ndzi (Ge'ndzi-monogatari): v 4 kn. / per. s yap. T.L. Sokolovoj-Delyusinoj M.: Nauka, 1991-1993. Kn. 1. 245 s. Kn. 2. 272 s. Kn. 3. 304 s.
7. Kn. 4. 256 s.
8. Xan' Ve'n'. Nittyu koten sika nioke'ru ume'-no ime'dzi xikaku. (Sravnitel'ny'j analiz obraza slivy' v drevnej kitajskoj i yaponskoj klassicheskoj poe'zii): dis. isl. Tokio,
9. 405 s.
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