Home Releases 2016, №1 (21)

«The Innermost Man» by A. Platonov: Foma Pukhov and His Scientific and Technical Data

Literary Science , UDC: 821.161.1.09"1917/1991"


  • Barsht Konstantin Abrekovich Doctor of Philology, professor of the Institute of Russian Literature, RAS. E-mail: barsht@mail.ru

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Barsht, K. A. (2016). «The Innermost Man» by A. Platonov: Foma Pukhov and His Scientific and Technical Data Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №1 (21),
1. Istochniki
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4. Literature
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9. Kressi E'. Sovremennaya mashina. Teplovy'e dvigateli / per. s angl. M.S. Gorfin-kelya. L.: Gosizdat, 1924. 303 s. (Priroda i kul'tura. Kn. 9).
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15. S. 4-56.
16. Spravochny'e i informacionny'e izdaniya
17. Biblioteka estestvennika. Ser. nauch. knig: I. Sovremenny'e problemy' estestvoznaniya. II. Klassiki estestvoznaniya. III. Priroda i kul'tura. M.; L.: Gosizdat, 1927. S. 10-12.
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