Home Releases 2016, №1 (21)

The History and Values of Modern Russia in Allusive Names

Young Scientists’ Platform , UDC: 81"23


  • Podrezova Daria Vadimovna Postgraduate of Foreign Philology department, Institute of the Humanities, MCU. E-mail: podrezova.dascha@yandex.ru

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Podrezova, D. V. (2016). The History and Values of Modern Russia in Allusive Names Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №1 (21),
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3. Literatura
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6. Karaulov Yu.N. Russkij yazy'k i yazy'kovaya lichnost'. M.: LKI, 2010. 264 s.
7. Krasny'x V.V. E'tnopsiholingvistika i lingvokul'turologiya. M.: Gnozis, 2002. 284 s.
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