Home Releases 2015, №1 (17)

The Concept of the Hero in Keeping with V. Nabokov’s Novels «Invitation to Execution» and «Bend Sinister»

Young Scientists’ Platform


  • Krasina Marina Radievna Postgraduate of Russian Literature department, Institute of Humanities, MCTTU. E-mail: krasinam@mail.ru

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Krasina, M. R. (2015). The Concept of the Hero in Keeping with V. Nabokov’s Novels «Invitation to Execution» and «Bend Sinister» Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №1 (17),
1. Istochniki
2. Nabokov V.V. Bend Sinister: Romanyʼ / Per. s angl. S. Ilʼina. SPb.: Severo-Zapad, 1993. 527 s.
3. Nabokov V.V. Priglashenie na kaznʼ: Romanyʼ. M.: AST; Хarʼkov: Folio, 1999. 480 s.
4. Literatura
5. Bicilli P. Vozrozhdenie allegorii // Klassik bez retushi: Literaturnyʼj mir o tvor-chestve Vladimira Nabokova. M.: NLO, 2000. S. 126–152.
6. Kolotneva L.I. Geroj, avtor, tekst v romanistike V. Nabokova : dis. ... kand. flol. nauk: 10.01.01, Voronezh, 2006. 184 s.
7. Literatura russkogo zarubezhʼya (1920–1990): ucheb.posobie / Pod. red. A.I. Smir-novoj. M.: Flinta : Nauka, 2006. 640 s.
8. Xasin G. Teatr lichnoj tajnyʼ: Russkie romanyʼ V. Nabokova. M.–SPb.: Letnij sad, 2001. 187 s.
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