Home Releases 2015, №2 (18)

Shakespearean Allusions and Reminiscences in «The Aristos» and «The French Lieutenant’s Woman» by J.R. Fowles

Young Scientists’ Platform
1. Istochniki
2. Fowles J.R.The Aristos. London: Jonathan Cape Ltd., 1980. 218 p.
3. Fowles J. The French lieutenant’s woman: A novel. Frogmore, St. Albans (Herts): Triad / Panther books, 1979. 399 p.
4. Literatura
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10. Xly’stova A.V. Innovacionny’e metody’ analiza suggestivnoj obraznosti xudozhest-vennogo texta // Vestnik MGPU. Ser. «Filologiya. Teoriya yazy’ka. Yazy’kovoe obra-zovanie». 2014. № 2. S. 32–36.
11. Becker-Leckrone M. Julia Kristeva and Literary Theory. New York: Palgrave Mac-millan, 2005. 215 p.
12. Clayton J., Rothstein E. Figures in the Corpus: Theories of Infuence and Inter-textuality. Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 1991. 349 p.
13. Foster T.C. Understanding John Fowles. Columbia: University of South Carolina, 1994. 275 p.
14. Jodar A.R. A Stranger in a Strange Land: An Existentialist Reading of Fredrick Clegg in The Collector by John Fowles. Zaragoza: Atlantis, 2006. P. 45–55.
15. Kermode F. Introduction to the Tempest. London: Picador, 1989. P. 1–28.
16. Srigley M. Images of Regeneration: A Study of Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Its Cultural Background. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1985. 182 p.
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