Home Releases 2015, №2 (18)

Peculiarities of the Maqama Genre in the Works by Sukhbat Aflatuni

Young Scientists’ Platform


  • Zikirillaev Bekhzod Nematovich Assistant professor, postgraduate of World Literature department, Faculty of Russian Philology, Samarkand State University named after Alisher Navoi. E-mail: zikrillayev@rambler.ru

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Zikirillaev, B. N. (2015). Peculiarities of the Maqama Genre in the Works by Sukhbat Aflatuni Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №2 (18),
1. Istochniki
2. Afatuni S. Garem // Oktyabr’. 2004. № 12. S. 67–93.
3. Afatuni S. God barana // Druzhba narodov. 2011. № 1. S. 40–96.
4. Afatuni S. Poklonenie volхvov // Oktyabr’. 2010. № 1. S. 3–60; № 2. S. 3–55; 2012. № 4. URL: http://magazines.russ.ru/october/2012/4/a2.html.
5. Literatura
6. Baхtin M.M. Problemy’ poe’tiki Dostoevskogo. M.: Xudozh. literatura, 1972. 464 s.
7. Gusejnova D.A. Aktyor ili skazitel’? Formoobrazuyushhie principy’ ustnogo narodnogo tvorchestva na Arabskom Vostoke // Narodnoe tvorchestvo stran Vostoka: Struktura, xudozhestvenny’e osobennosti, defnicii / Red. i sost. P.R. Gamzatovoj. М.: КоmКniga, 2007. S. 146–161.
8. Mecz А. Мusul’manskij Renessans / Per. s nem., predisl., bibliogr. i ukazatel’ D.Е. Bertel’sa. М.: ViМ, 1996. 544 s.
9. Parizhskij S.G. Sootnoshenie poe’zii i prozy’ v makamax na ivrite XII–XIII vv.: dis. … kand. flol. nauk: 10.01.03. SPb.: RAN, In-t vostochny’x rukopisej, 2011. 176 s.
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