Home Releases 2018, №1 (29)

Lexical Representation of Gender Stereotypes in the Early XXth Century British Mass Media

Young Scientists’ Platform , UDC: 81.23


  • Matunova Galina Alexandrovna Postgraduate of English Philology department, Institute of Foreign Languages, MCU. E-mail: matunovag@gmail.com

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Matunova, G. A. (2018). Lexical Representation of Gender Stereotypes in the Early XXth Century British Mass Media Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2018, №1 (29),
1. 1. The True Tyranny. Man's Rebellion against the Sporting Woman // The Times. 1914.
2. May 20. P. 11.
3. 2. Women in Industry. Character and Organization // The Times. 1913. Apr. 29. P. 6.
4. 3. Home Economics as a career for Women // The Times. 1909. May 4. P. 6.
5. 4. Normal Women and Men // The Times. 1910. Jul. 12. P. 11
6. 5. The Normal Woman // The Times. 1910. Aug 5. P. 10.
7. 6. Training for Housework // The Manchester Guardian. 1911. Sep 13. P. 8.
8. 7. Woman And the Vote // The Times. 1912. May 28. P. 8.
9. 8. Women's Earnings. Some New Fields // The Times. 1914. March 18. P. 11.
10. Literatura
11. 9. Goncharova V.A. Nacional'ny'e sociokul'turny'e stereotipy' v obuchenii inostran-ny'm yazy'kam (yazy'kovoj vuz, anglijskij yazy'k): opy't preodoleniya: monografiya. Ulan-Ude': Izd-vo Buryatsk. gos. un-ta, 2010. 163 s.
12. 10. Mixajlova S.V. Femininnaya identichnost' i sposoby' ee ob"ektivacii v xudozhest-vennom diskurse XVII veka: dis. ... kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.19. M.: MGPU, 2012. 236 s.
13. 11. Chupry'na O.G. Identichnost' v prostranstve yazy'ka i kul'tury' // Dialog kul'tur. Kul'tura dialoga: chelovek i novy'e sociogumanitarny'e cennosti: monografiya / pod red. L.G. Vikulovoj. M.: Forum Neolit, 2017. S 301-325.
14. 12. Chupry'na O.G., Parshina N.D. Cross-Cultural Communication. All You Need to Know: ucheb. posobie po mezhkul'turnoj kommunikacii. M.: Lenand, 2015. 240 s.
15. Internet-resursy'
16. 13. Lippman W. Public Opinion [E'lektronny'j resurs]. URL: http://wps.pearsoncustom. com/wps/media/objects/2429/2487430/pdfs/lippmann.pdf (data obrashheniya: 19.10.2017).
17. Spravochny,e i informacionny'e izdaniya
18. 14. Slovar' terminov mezhkul'turnoj kommunikacii / I.N. Zhukova [i dr.] / pod red. M.G. Lebed'ko i Z.G. Proshinoj. M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2013. 632 s.
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