Home Releases 2015, №1 (17)

The Old-English Verbs faran and feran in the Motion Event Contexts

Young Scientists’ Platform


  • Ilyukhina Olga Alexandrovna Teacher of English in SBEI SCSch № 492; postgraduate of English Philology department, Institute of Foreign Languages, MCTTU. E-mail: my-school@list.ru

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Ilyukhina, O. A. (2015). The Old-English Verbs faran and feran in the Motion Event Contexts Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №1 (17),
1. Istochniki
2. Bosworth J. King Alfred’s Anglo-Saxon version of the compendious history of the world by Orosius. London, 1859. 500 p.
3. Earle J. Two of the Saxon Chronicles parallel. Oxford, 1865. 587 p.
4. Kemble J.M. The Poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, with an English Translation. London, 1843. 250 p.
5. Thorpe B. The Anglo-Saxon Poems of Beowulf, the Scop or Gleeman’s tale, and the Fight at Finnesburg. Oxford, 1855. 380 p.
6. Literatura
7. Ivanova I.P. , Chaxoyan L.P. , Belyaeva T.M. Istoriya anglijskogo yazy’ka. Uchebnik. Xrestomatiya. Slovar’: ucheb. posobie. SPb.: Lan’, 1999. 512 s.
8. Smirniczskij A.I. Xrestomatiya po istorii anglijskogo yazy’ka s VII po XVII v.: ucheb. posobie. M.: IC «Akademiya», 2008. 304 s.
9. Sravnitel’naya grammatika germanskix yazy‘kov: v 5 t. T. 4: Morfologiya / [M.M. Guxman, V.M. Zhirmunskij, E.A. Makaev, V.N. Yarceva]; pod red. E.A. Makaeva. M.: Nauka, 1966. 496 s.
10. Yazy‘k v problemnom pole gumanitaristiki: monografya / [T.S. Nifanova, O.G. Chupry’na]. Arxangel’sk: Pomorskij gos. un-t. im. M.V. Lomonosova, 2010. 349 s.
11. Spravochny’e i informacionny’e izdaniya
12. Bosworth J., Toller T.N. An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary // URL: http://ebeowulf.uky. edu/BT/bosworth.htm, rezhim dostupa: svobodny’j (data obrashheniya: 28.05.2014).
13. Pokorny J. Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch // URL: http://www. proto-indo-european.ru/dic-pokorny/index.html, rezhim dostupa: svobodny’j (data obra-shheniya: 28.05.2014 g).
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