Home Releases 2020, №3 (39)

On Discussing the Issue of 1930-s Repressions within Modern Educational Process

Language Teaching. Methodology of Teaching Philological Disciplines , UDC: 378.016:82 DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2020.39.3.14


  • Tokareva Elena Anatolievna PhD (History), docent, professor of the National History Department, Institute of Humanities, MCU. E-mail: TokarevaEA@mgpu.ru
  • Kirillov Viktor Vasilievich PhD (History), Professor of the Department of General and Russian history, Institutte of Humanities, MCU. E-mail: KirillovVV@mgpu.ru

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Tokareva, E. A. & Kirillov, V. V. (2020). On Discussing the Issue of 1930-s Repressions within Modern Educational Process Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2020, №3 (39), 124-132. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-913X.2020.39.3.14
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