- Yazykova Nataliya V. D. Sc. (Pedagogy), professor
- Budnikova Alina A.
The article presents, in a multicultural aspect, a model of a university EIL textbook for future specialists in the sphere of international communication. A three-part
structure and the thematic content of the textbook are thoroughly substantiated. Based on the analysis of the features of professional multicultural communication in English as a lingua franca, on the specifics of the system of multicultural teaching of EIL, the analysis of published university course books, as well as on current expectations of an EIL
textbook, the authors enunciate requirements for a modern university EIL textbook. The authors argue for the need to include a preparatory module on the World Englishes Paradigm in the main part of the textbook in order to create a theoretical ground for students’ future professional activity in the field of international relations
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Yazykova, N. V. & Budnikova, A. A. (2024). MODEL OF A UNIVERSITY TEXTBOOK OF ENGLISH AS AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE FROM A MULTICULTURAL APPROACH PERSPECTIVE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 4 (56), 197.
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