- Orlova Natalya V. D. Sc. (Philology), Professor
The relevance of the study is due to the active development of communicative categories in linguistics, the need to test the idea of variable implementation of the category of reliability in different types of discourse. The purpose of the article is to identify representations of reliability in a polydiscursive speech product — a book about the Russian revolution of 1917, written in the genre of a chronicle, translated into Russian more than a hundred years after the release of the original edition in Italian, supplied in the translated edition with voluminous accompanying information. The problems of the article include the description of discursive determinants that determined the choice of subjects of different discourses (chronicle, scientific, translation) of the means of expressing this category. The research methods are aimed at identifying the variable semantics of the category of reliability (semantic analysis of statements, definitional analysis of words), the structure of this category (classification method, opposition method) and functioning (genre analysis). The qualitative and quantitative methods of content analysis and elements of discourse analysis are used. It is shown that the author of the chronicle positions himself as an eyewitness of the events, which is expressed in the predominance of direct access indicators («I saw»,
«I remember»); reliability is realized in his subordinate categories of informativeness, interpretativeness, impact. The accompanying block of the book conveys the collective knowledge of the modern scientific community; reliability is formed by the subordinate categories of objectivity, accuracy, rationality; informativeness and interpretativeness interact as facts and their comprehension as part of conclusions; the unconditional and problematic reliability of the specialist’s judgments is combined with the assessments «reliable», «possibly reliable» and «unreliable» in relation to the chronicler’s text. The degree of reliability of the chronicle is adjusted downwards in the scientific discourse, the «eyewitness» acquires the features of a «translator of a myth». The translation discourse is focused on problematic reliability, reflecting the difficulties of choosing an adequate translation option. The conducted study clarifies the ideas about the variability of the representation of one category within a polydiscursive text, in particular, it reveals non-trivial indicators specific to specific discourses.
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Orlova, N. V. (2024). INDICATORS OF THE CATEGORY OF RELIABILITY AND THEIR DISCURSIVE DETERMINANTS (BASED ON THE BOOK-CHRONICLE WITH ACCOMPANYING TEXT) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 4 (56), 118.
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