- Ivanova Svetlana V. Doctor of Philology, Professor
The article offers an approach to the interpretation of St. Petersburg text as a meganarrative and reveals one of its metanarratives which represents Petersburg as a junction of cultures. The relevance of the work is preconditioned by the appeal to the problem of linguosemiotic and linguocultural interpretation of urban space. The study is implemented on the basis of lingual nominations of St. Petersburg sites referring to various cultures. The investigation is aimed at identifying the linguo-semiotic specificity of the narrative under study in the linguistic and cultural landscape of St. Petersburg. Achieving the stated goal makes it possible to answer the question of how and to what extent the signs of other cultures are related to the linguistic and cultural landscape of St. Petersburg. The research material includes the urbanonyms of St. Petersburg, which contain references to other cultures. The analysis methodology involves linguo-semiotic analysis with elements of linguo-cultural interpretation and narrative analysis. As a result, three groups of culturally related signs were identified, those having an ethnonym, anthroponym and culturonym referring to other cultures in the form of indexes, images and symbols. The type of the sign is indicative of different forms and varying degrees of integration of other cultures into «Petersburg as a junction of cultures» metanarrative ranging from cultural pluralism to multiculturalism.
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Ivanova, S. V. (2024). «JUNCTION OF CULTURES» METANARRATIVE IN THE PETERSBURG MEGANARRATIVE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 4 (56), 108.
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