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Literary Science , UDC: 821.161.1-192.06 DOI: 10.24412/2076-913X-2024-456-34-49


  • Kazmirchuk Olga Yu. PhD (Philology)


The article regards the problems related to characterizing the subjective structure of Vladimir S. Vysotsky’s songs. The subjective structure of a lyrical text is one of the most gripping issues of modern literary theory (the subjective organization of epic and dramatic works has been studied much better for now). V. S. Vysotsky’s songs form a unique database that encourages researchers to reflect on this topic. The complex multilevel subjective structure of Vysotsky’s songs is due to both the very nature of the author’s song, which assumed an oral form for the text to be perceived «by ear», along with Vysotsky’s personal artistic and aesthetic attitudes. This article considers the subjective structure of V. S. Vysotsky’s songs employing a set of semantic markers that represent it through canonical versions of names. Such an approach has so far been rarely used by researchers, although it seems quite fruitful, because the title of any work of art necessarily implements the author’s idea of the created artistic universe. Analyzing Vysotsky’s songs titles allows us to identify the following trends: subjectivation of nouns included in the title (regardless of them being animate or inanimate), which relates the songs of this type to the category of role-playing lyrics; preference for literary and speech genres that claim for several subjects of speech; the choice of contexts that prompt characters’ interactions.

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Kazmirchuk, O. Y. (2024). THE CATEGORY OF SUBJECTIVITY AS REPRESENTED IN LITERARY TEXTS TITLES (RELYING ON VLADIMIR S. VYSOTSKY’S SONGS) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 4 (56), 34. https://doi.org/10.24412/2076-913X-2024-456-34-49
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