Home Releases 2023, №3 (51)


Literary Science , UDC: 821.161.1.09«19» DOI: 10.25688/2076-913X.2023.51.3.04


  • Zhu Zijing
  • Koltsova Nataliya Z. PhD (Philology)


The prose of doctors, by virtue of its specificity and uniqueness, finds itself at the crossroads of the stylistic and genre quests of Russian literature. In the first third of the XXth century, its development was closely connected to the names of such writers as V. V. Veresaev and M. A. Bulgakov, whose works, while undoubtedly related, reveal a radical divergence in the field of poetics. A comparative analysis of the two writers’ Memoirs is important from the point of view of the algorithms of Russian medical prose creation. The differences between Bulgakov’s and Veresaev’s works (including differences in genre) are determined by their authors’ vectors towards different types and stages of realism in the Russian literature. Veresaev is the successor to Realism of the «first generation » abiding by the tradition of the natural school, which still held sway in the late 19th century. Bulgakov is a follower of the neo-realism of the 1910s, which inherited the modernist approach to mythopoetics and the new approach to psychological analysis. Veresaev, who was faithful to the tenets of the «real movement» in art, is more of a sociologist than a psychologist: Veresaev’s reflection is presented as a contemplation full of thought rather than the work of the subconscious. Bulgakov’s exquisite psychologism was informed by the Russian psychological prose of the 19th century as well as by the artistic revolution of the 20th century. There is no doubt that the artistic uniqueness of the text is also conditioned by the individual properties of each author: one of the marked differences between the two works is the ever present (in Bulgakov’s work) or absent (in Veresaev’s) laug tone. Bulgakov collection makes it possible to trace various comic signs, from the level of situations and characters to comic verbalism.

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Zhu, Z. . & Koltsova, N. Z. (2023). ON THE QUESTION OF THE DIALOGUE BETWEEN M. BULGAKOV AND V. VERESAEV: «NOTES OF A YOUNG DOCTOR» AND «NOTES OF A DOCTOR» AS TWO VARIANTS OF «MEDICAL NOTES» IN RUSSIAN LITERATURE OF THE FIRST THIRD OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2023, №3 (51), 40. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-913X.2023.51.3.04
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