- Krasovitskaya Yuliya Vladimirovna docent, PhD (Philology)
Taking Anna Seghers’ works ― “Crisanta” and “The Excursion of the Dead Girls” as the example ― the article deals with the understanding the phenomenon of emigration. The famous German writer was forced to leave Germany after the National Socialist Party came to power. Personal experiences had a crucial impact on her artistic world. The analysis of female images in the novel and short story allows us to get a better idea of the psychology of an exile and leads to rethinking the concepts of homeland, native home.
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Krasovitskaya, Y. V. (2021). Escape and Comeback: the Phenomenon of Emigration in Anna Seghers’ Stories Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №3 (43), 21-28.
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