Home Releases 2021, №2 (42)

Linguopragmatic Features of Metaphor in English Food Advertisements

Russian Studies. Germanic Studies. Romance Studies


  • Sobyanina Valentina Alexandrovna Doctor of Philology, full professor, professor of Germanistics and Linguodidactics department, Institute of Foreign Languages, MCU. E-mail: valensob@mail.ru
  • Maslakova Angelina Olegovna


The article studies metaphor in English food advertisements to figure out its pragmatic features. It was discovered that the issue under study relies on the linguistic pragmatic model including such components as aim, intention, strategies and tactics. It proves of the primary importance to form the positive image concerning food advertising. The conclusion reveals that metaphor is one of the most effective language means used for achieving the goal. Keywords: metaphor; advertising; strategies; aim; speech impact; polycode text.

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Sobyanina, V. A. & Maslakova, A. O. (2021). Linguopragmatic Features of Metaphor in English Food Advertisements Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2021, №2 (42),
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